Pride and Lemons

Mieletön sitruuna presents:
Pride and Lemons – improvised costume drama in the style of Jane Austen

Improv theatre Mieletön sitruuna creates a world of absurd etiquette, where characters navigate high society life with both lofty nobility and overflowing emotions. Suitors, lackies, bookworms and many others will be brought on stage. There will be relationship games, people aiming for advantageous marriages and desperate attempts to hold on to the family’s reputation.

The performance is improvised and unique, and all the characters and storylines will be created in the moment. The audience will define the main character, and that will set off a one-off journey to the world of the ladies, lords and other gentlemen.

Pride and Lemons – improvised costume drama in the style of Jane Austen
Date and time: Friday 24 February 2023 at 19.00 (FULLY BOOKED – you can ask for possible cancelled reservations at the ticket counter 30 minutes before the show)
Place: Kulttuuritalo Villa Rana, Paulaharju hall.
Seminaarinkatu 13

Tickets 14/8 euros (KeHy-theater ring 5 euros). Cash or card payment, exact change would be appreaciated! Ticket sale starts at 6.30 pm.

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